Open Science

Open Science is becoming standard. Not least, it is a prerequisite of many funding agencies that …

Package inflation!

Today I’m not talking about the increase in parcel post, but about statistical software …

You Only Live Twice?

Have you ever heard of competing risks in clinical research? It’s a relevant concept …

Website Relaunch

It has been a busy year so far and so I am not less pleased to present to you the relaunched website created by the wonderful design studio rothblau. I would…

Side Note: Analytical Overkill

With biomedical statistics, information can be abstracted from a wide range of sources to make data understandable and actionable. This step is reductionistic. For example…

Side Note: Know-it-alls

As an author, editor and methodological reviewer, I experience from time to time that only one methodological approach is considered correct…

Side Note: Clarity in Research

epi demos has helped a variety of experts to enhance their research reports. What often stands out is that even specialists with decades of experience in research…

Side Note: Creativity in Research

Despite all the necessary efforts to standardize clinical research, we should not forget that research per se is an inherently creative process and that exploratory analyses…